Welcome to my site! I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Semmens Lab at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I've spent the last six years beefing up my quantitative toolbox to help answer important questions related to fisheries ecology, conservation, and management. As I work to complete my Ph.D., I am looking for job opportunities.

Though my passion is in fisheries ecology, my interests are broad, with a publishing background that includes contaminants in fish tissues, fish life history (e.g., age and growth, batch fecundity, spawning fraction and periodicity, spawning habitat), fish behavior (e.g., movement and site fidelity), rockfish barotrauma and survival, taxonomy, and fisheries science and ecology (e.g., fishery interactions, harvest impacts, environmental drivers). None of this work would have been possible without my former and current mentors, advisors, and colleagues who helped shaped my academic and career paths and who have always championed my successes: my Ph.D. advisor Dr. Brice Semmens, my Ph.D. collaborators at NOAA's SWFSC, Dr. Andrew Thompson, Bill Watson, and Dr. Noelle Bowlin; Dr. Jeff Armstrong and the Ocean Monitoring team at OCSD; Chuck Valle, Steve Wertz, and my CDFW friends and colleagues; Dr. Chris Lowe and my fellow CSULB graduate school alums, as well as the late Dr. Jim Allen (I miss him dearly) and my friends and colleagues at SCCWRP.

I invite you to stay awhile to learn more about my current research and to check out cool photos and recountings of some fun and interesting tidbits from my previous professional and academic experiences.